Implant Retained Dentures in Kennewick & Tri-Cities WA

Whether from disease, malnutrition, or genetic disorders, sometimes it is necessary for us to extract all of a patient’s lower or upper teeth. While this can be devastating, dentures can provide a second chance at a beautiful smile. Using the latest technologies and procedures, including implant retained dentures, Kennewick Dental can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.
Are Implant Retained Dentures Right For You?
If you’re considering dentures as an option to replace missing or damaged teeth, or if you currently have dentures and are looking for additional options, implant supported dentures may be the answer. Implants are highly effective at replacing individual teeth, and the same technology is adapted to secure an entire denture plate to a patient’s jawbone. Because the dental implants integrate with the jawbone, an implant-supported denture tends to be more comfortable and stable, allowing you to bite and chew naturally.
In some instances, the bone may have worn away over the years. Bone grafts may be possible to create more bone surface to complete the implants. Based on the size and shape of your jawbone, 4-8 implants may be implanted to hold the dentures in place. It is essential that your bone is strong enough to support the dentures and implants.
Implant Retained Dentures Have a lot of Benefits
Not only does an implant retained denture provide support and comfort, but it also helps you get the most out of your dentures. When patients don’t have all their teeth, complications can arise. Maintaining the full shape of the mouth and securing dentures in place with implants, ensures that stability and reliability, as well as increased self-esteem, are preserved.
Sometimes, complete dentures are not necessary. Partial dentures can replace a string of missing teeth and are secured to your remaining teeth with clasps. At Kennewick Dental, we can provide you with a full set or partial set of dentures using implant retained dentures. Rather than fuss with removable dentures, get a secure and long-lasting set of teeth with implant retained dentures.
No matter which kind of dentures you choose, you’ll receive natural-looking dentures that match your facial structure and desired tooth color. When you work with our highly trained and professional dentist Kennewick WA, you’ll get the best advice on how to proceed with replacing missing or damaged teeth.
What’s more, implants can last a lifetime. It is very rare to hear of long-term problems related to implants. Once they have been placed and have healed, patients go about their day-to-day lives enjoying full use of their dentures and smile. You can treat your implant retained dentures like your regular teeth – but they need to be cared for like natural teeth as well. Regular check-ups and cleanings are still required even though the teeth are not real. Visiting your dentist increases the longevity and continued stability of your dentures and provides ongoing opportunities to catch issues as they may arise over the years.
Kennewick Dental Takes Care of You
We’ll walk you through the process of using implant retained dentures and discuss the benefits of this treatment option. We’ll show you why using implant retained dentures might be right for you, especially if you have had dentures in the past and are tired of maintaining them on a daily basis. We’ll also provide you with everything you need to know to make an informed decision. Using the latest technologies, we’ll be able to show you what the finished product will look like – it’s really inspiring to see patients come alive when they realize they’re getting a new set of teeth.
For those who have suffered from missing, broken or damaged teeth for any length of time, implant retained dentures can be life-changing. We are so proud to be a part of that experience and help patients find their smiles again.
With no more discomfort than having a cavity filled, you can have a full set of teeth that you will love for years to come. Young or old, everyone deserves to have a smile they can be proud of and show the world.
You’ll feel comfortable and cared for when working with the dental team in our Kennewick, WA office. When you’re ready to learn more about how implant retained dentures can help you get the smile you always dreamed of, or help you stop fussing with dentures every day, contact Kennewick Dental today.
For more information or to receive a free consultation, please contact us through our website or call us at 509-374-4077.